Semiwill-Triac Series: Triac is a kind of Bi-directional semiconductor used in various ratings and packages including the Surface Mounted Type, depending on the application area.Semiwill Semiconductor Ltd.,is lining up electric ratings from 0.8A to 25A and voltage rating of 600V-800V,Triacs can also be applied to various phase controls such as speed,including AC switching,temperature,and dimming.
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX UNIT VRRM ,VDRM Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltages 600/800 V IT(RMS) R.M.S on-state current 1 A IT(TSM) Surge On-State Current tp=10ms tp=8.3ms 16 17.6 A IGT Gate Trigger Current VD=12V 4-7 mA
MAIN APPLICATION Fan speed Lighting control switch and brightness adjusting Air conditioning fan control Small power ac circuit control
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